Friday, May 22, 2015

A Weekend Flower

Making paper flowers for a new venture I'm into. Follow on instagram for new flowers every week
Find me at: 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Commission Complete

It took about two weeks for me to complete this painting. Sometimes I got bored with it especially in the beginning stages. I didn't like the color of the background and considered changing it, then while painting in some of the blue leaves the unthinkable happened. My pallet of blue paint spilled on one corner of the canvas and left a blue mess. My son who was watching the whole thing unfold looked at me and said "mom, don't panic, it's going to be fine". That's all i needed really; after a quick wipe up with some tissue, and a few splashes of water, the blue mess became a part of the background. I then proceeded to make multiple blue messes to make the original blue mess blend in.

This brings me to a very valuable lesson I learned sometime ago. There are no mistakes in art. If you don't go with the flow you will get stressed out.
(hey I'm not talking about the technical stuff so keep that in mind)

Thank you for sharing this short but awesome journey with me. Be sure to come back often to see what other artsy mischief I am getting into.

In the meantime you can become a follower or click like on the facebook widget so that new posts can show up in your feed.
See you soon.......

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The commissioned Koi

More tease on the commissioned painting.

 I was quite happy with the way the koi above turned out. I took some time to get the depth that I needed to give it the effect I was looking for. Then of course the lines with the ink pen took forever.

The second koi, to me turned out to be a little more whimsical and more lively. Its my favorite.

There are a few more finishing touches I need to do before I can do the big reveal. I hope my client will like it. This has been an absolute joy to work on.

Stay tuned. Come back tomorrow yes I promise tomorrow that I will show the final product. In the meantime, you can go ahead to the sidebar over there to your right and become a follower, or, click like on the facebook widget so that the post will show up in your feed as soon as there is a new post.
See you then.......