Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Monday's Mandala - The Zendala Challenges

Lets mix a mandala and a zentangle together and make a ZENDALA

I first got introduced to these back in 2013 from Erin (The Bright Owl) 
who published these awesome 
templates every Saturday. The challenge would be to fill them with your favorite zentangle patterns. I would print the one for the week and take it with me to my daughters 
piano class. While I waited, I would practice the art of zentangle within a circle,
as well as bring them to life with shading.

 An hour of sitting in the car waiting, paid off because I learned a lot. It was also very relaxing
You can find more designs on my PINTEREST ZENDALA BOARD when you click this link.

If this is something you would like to try, go and check out Erin's blog at The Bright Owl
There is a great explaination of what the zendala challenges are about, as well as tutorials and templates. Now GO have some fun.